My youngest will be 4 tomorrow, and I have round ligament pain almost daily. Often many times a day. But, I also have a genetic condition that causes the collagen that holds the ligaments in place to be weaker than a normal person so I know this is at play too. I never had this particular pain until I was pregnant though.
As for the gall bladder issues, I had those too. I had the ultrasound and they did find some gall stones. I then had the radiation test to see if my gall bladder was emptying correctly and it was. I went to the surgeon and she said that she wouldn't do surgery on me and to go see a GI specialist instead. Ultimately, they found white blood cells in my large intestine,and had me try going gluten free. AMAZING! all of my symptoms are gone! Even though I did not come up celiac in any way, it was a try it and see thing. I am gluten intolerant, and since going gf in Oct of 2013, I have not had any gall bladder pain, I don't throw up constantly, and I can think so much better. I would recommend giving it a try and see what happens. It doesn't hurt to try it out. I knew within 4 days that it was the answer for me.