Clothing & Accessories: Similac

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23 answers

Switching Formula Brands...

We have gotten free samples of formula from Enfamil and Similac. We decided to use Enfamil with our daughter, but I hate not to use the Similac. We cannot donate the formula since nobody will take it even though it hasn't been opened. SO...I was wondering if anyone has ever switched brands with your little ones?? Our pedi's nurse said that it was okay as long as the ingredients were the same. Just wondered if anyone has done this and how it worked out. Thanks in advance!!!


Nestle Good Start???

I am wanting to switch formulas and I was thinking of changing to Nestle...


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23 answers

Any Moms Concerned with Sweetener in Similac Organic Formula?

My three month old son is breast and formula fed. I've been using Similac Organic liquid formula to supplement. I eat mostly organic foods and was happy to find an organic formula, as the data about hormones/pesticides in dairy is quite scary. Recently, the NY Times published an article that raised concerns about the evaporated cane juice used as a sweetener in Similac Organic. Apparently, it is much sweeter than other formulas, even all of Similac's other products. The article questions Similac's use of the sweetener and states that this...


Organic or Not????

Want to know what others know/think about organic food/ organic everything...


Organic Formula Issue

I have been working real hard to make sure my 8 mos. olds diet is as good as...