Daughters Change in Her Behavior- Kind of a Vent.

Updated on September 28, 2012
B.P. asks from Columbia Station, OH
6 answers

My daughter is 3.5 and the last month or so, her behavior has changed dramaticly. I also started working a month ago and i work 3rds so if her dad works the next day she goes with him so i can sleep, her dads parents on a store and he works there so she is able to go, and the past couple of weeks ive been working 40hrs and have been sleeping wuite a bit when she isnt home, and on my days off if i have to work that night at 11 after being off for a night and all day i normally go lay down so im not super tired, so ive been missing putting her to bed and every thing. i feel soooo bad for her because in 3 yrs ive been there 24/7 and we always did something EVERY tuesday and saturday as a family. its just hard anymore. I feel like her attitude lately is because im not around as much as i used to be and should be. but i love working and am not going to stop. so how many of you mamas thing that her attitude change is because of me working and not being around as much, and her going to work with dad (normally 1 day a week)

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So What Happened?

ETA: yesterday my daughter said that she didnt want me to work anymore because i nap a lot and i dont spend time with her. i feel so bad about it too, it sucks, i loved being home with her but i love working 100x more, when she goes to work with dad she is with her grandparents all day as well and she gets breaks as they take her to get their candy and ciggerates for the store. we plan on putting her in preschool sometime after the first of the year, this has been A LOT of change for her in a little bit of time. we get our cuddle time in and we eat breakfast and lunch together daily when we are both home. it also seems like she is going back to really needing her nap as well almost daily, and when she goes down for her nap she sleeps for an hour or two and all i have to do is ask her if she wants to lay down and she goes in and goes to sleep. also right after i started working we moved her room from the finished basement to upstairs. (we live with his parents and she is in his sisters old room since she got married and moved across the county) just a lot of changes for her.

More Answers


answers from San Francisco on

I would never say to a mother "your child is acting up because you are working." However, you have a pretty unique situation which probably is hard on a three year old. I think it's not so much that you're not there as often, but rather that her schedule seems pretty inconsistent, different places and caregivers on different days, not to mention that being at daddy's workplace all day is probably pretty confining and dull for her.
Is there any possibility of sending her to daycare or preschool every day, or at least part or half time? That way she could get a chance to be around other kids and have fun, while you sleep and daddy works.
Cranky kids are usually bored kids, and that has nothing to do with whether mommy works or not.

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answers from Dallas on

Not only you working and not being around so much but also the change in routine. Kids crave routine, and when you mess with it, it throws them way off for awhile. Also, be sure you're still giving her some one on one time, including cuddle time. She may be having some separation anxiety by you not being as available as in the past.


answers from Minneapolis on

She probably is reacting to the change in schedule, but she might also be manipulating you. You obviously feel guilty (as all working moms do) and she might be acting up to play off of that.

Give her some more time to adjust and try to make her schedule as consistent as possible.



answers from Dallas on

Changes in situations will probably cause changes in behavior to some degree. Changes in AGE will also result in changes in behavior. It could be a combination of the two, or just her personality developing. Don't beat yourself up and try to "make up" for your schedule change in an unhealthy way. Try to brainstorm with your hubby and little girl so you can find new ways to connect as a family. Good luck!



answers from Cincinnati on

I think it does have to do with working and I also think shes in the terrible 3s stages. She'll adjust to the routine eventually.



answers from New York on

It's the change. She's reacting to the upset in her routine. Take a moment to spend with her and explain what is happening. It's important, no matter how young or how old, that you respect them as individuals who need an explanation. Most often as adults in our busy worlds, we forget that they really do need that. They thrive on the consistency of a routine. Just spend some time with her and explain why it's been disrupted. Good luck.

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