I had the same exact problem. My solution was to just give him as much cuddling as he needed. My child definately changed. I know you feel that you don't have the time. But it is so nessacary for you to do this for him. I wouldn't push him to hit milestones right now, its ok to try though. My son was completely potty trained, and that all went out the window when his father deployed. The best thing you can do for him is to give him all the care and attention that you can. Don't make him feel as if he has to compete with company. My son was attached to my hip for at least 2 mths. before he realized that I wasn't going anywhere. I hope this helps. If you have any family members that you trust to come by and help, this will also be a good idea till he gets through this tough time. My son never took to a pacifier but he would drag his blanket around the house.