Obviously OTC anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen-aleve-tylenol and aspirin. Heating pads help too. You probably know this already so-
Here's a few suggestions you may not know.
Chaste Tree Berry is a large shrub growing up to twenty two feet tall and is native to the Mediterranean and southern Europe. It is used exclusively for female problems. It balances the body-because it is an adaptogen which means it works through the adrenal glands-and in this case-the pituitary to produce adjustments in the body that normalize hormone imbalance. Another words it constrains hormonal excesses and encourages deficiencies. Because it encourages production of progesterone the herb has helped restore mestruation, regulate heavy periods, relieved PMS tension. Some also believe it is helpful for premenstrual breast tenderness. It can be taken as a tincture 20 drops once or twice a day is normal. Capsules or tea (one cup) may also be taken once or twice a day. Taken before bedtime may help improve sleep. It's slow acting and may take two or three months to see results. (www.morethanalive.com)
Chammomile is another soothing herb that can be used to relieve painful menstrual cramps and back pain.
Red Raspberry Leaf is known to alleviate or elminate cramps. It is rich in Vitamins C,E,A, AND some B complex. Increasted Vitamin A can ade the woman's immune system. It's also rich in potassium and phosphorus. It's a water soluable source of calcium and provides it well to young girls.
It aids in contraction of the uterus, control of pain,,, and replacement of lost blood. Tea is easy-ad one to three teaspoons of dried Raspberry leaves for every cup of boiling water and simmer for ten minutes.
SOS FOR PMS is a combination of Red Rasberry, Peppermint, Nettle, Oatstraw, Alfalfa, Chaste Tree berry, Cinnomen Chips and Horsetail. It's been reported to lessen monthly bleeding, and eliminate bloating, headaches and cramps!!!
To be taken each month-a few cups a day of this blend the week beofre and week of a woman's cycle. 1 teaspoon of the blend for every cup of boiling water and then steep while covered for 15 to 20 minutes.
I highly recommend these herbs. You can find them easily and this information plus more at www.morethanalive.com and you can also call 1-800-516-5911.
I hope this helps your daughter.
It can't hurt her and isn't birth control either.
God Bless!