I can sort of relate, I am working 5 different part time jobs to make ends meet, and my husband works 2 (one full time, and one on sunday part time) we have two children ages 8 and 5. It is hard to find the balance, my daughter has some emotional issues, and with me working so much and being out everynight it was getting difficult, I cut down my days at the one part time job so I only work twice a month there now, so I am home a little more, we need the money, but my daughter needs me more, I try to make time for my husband by trying to have "alone time" we cant afford to go out, once a month, whether it be going to the grocery store together, or just being at home without the kids, we try to do that, I also try and make it that I spend at least 10 min a day with each child alone, which is not easy, and I know it doesn't sound like much, but they know that is their special time, we read, or play a game, or talk about the day, and it shows them I am making time for them in my busy schedule. You just have to find what works for you, but if you set aside a small amount of time to be with just them, it will help, remember it is not quanity, but quality, of time you spend with them, they rather you spend quality time and shorter, then a ton of time, but doing nothing really, does that make sense??