Hey R.~I read the other 3 responses that the other ladies have put on here and they are great! They touch on every point. Your "unconventional lifestyle", the boyfriend, and your girls, and the not so favorable friend. Honestly, you probably won't like my answer as much as the other's because it may just not be as nice and supportive. I just feel sometimes it's not necessary to mix words to get the point across. But before I say what I have to say, I want you to understand that the reason I am being so blunt is because I've been there myself and sometimes you need to take a step back and take a look at things from another angle. The fact that you have to ask the question, to me, is the answer you are looking for. Plain and simple. If your boyfried is not doing EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING that he can to make sure that your family is 100% taken care of, and by that I mean emotionally, physcially, financially, protectively, and otherwise, it is unacceptable. Period. He is obviousbly putting some "doubts" in your head by continuing his association with this friend. Which is not ok. Not to mention, it is not ok for your girls to be in contact with anyone who does drugs. It does not matter whether the drugs are physically being done elsewhere, and then this person is being exposed to your girls. Anything can happen!! It's not ok. I'm not understanding why your bf is having a problem putting and end to his friendship with this guy (or at the very least, toning it down 90%). I mean for all intense and purposes, even though ya'll aren't legally married, you are a family unit. And, just in general, at some point your bf needs to grow up and try to spend time with men who are going to do more meaningful things with their lives than a guy who does drugs and is a womanizer, UNLESS that's who your bf wants to be? I guess for me, It's easy. I know that if I were to hang out with a woman that my husband just wasn't comfortable with and it was causing issues, well, he comes first in my life, and my friendship with her would cease-even if she were a long time friend. I know he would do the same for me. We would never ask these things of each other unless it were a situation similar to yours, but the fact that you are having to write about your doubts and the intrusions this "friend" is making on your lives is unacceptable and is only going to continue to create problems. The friend obviously does not know how to treat women in general (his poor wife) and he has no strong convictions about marriage vows-how to keep them, etc.-and now he is trying to drag your bf into that dark hole with him cuz he doesn't want to go there alone!! In my opinion, your bf needs to choose. It's just that simple. He has you and the girls (his family) or he can have his friend. Doesn't sound like he can have both, because it will be at your expense. I guarantee you, these problems are not going to go away until the loser friend does. Like I said, "Been there, done that".