Baby Hair Clips

Updated on January 09, 2009
H.A. asks from San Francisco, CA
5 answers

Hi there,

I remember seeing a post a while ago about baby hair clips, but can't find it now to see what you all wrote. My daughter's hair is finally growing in, but is a bit crazy looking! She's adorable, but could use some hair clips for holiday visits with relatives. Can anyone recommend some for very fine hair, and ones that they won't choke on if they end up in her mouth? I think someone suggested some that had magnets, not sure of the brand, perhaps "No Slippy Hair Clippy"? I think there was also a concern about magnets on the head?

Thanks for any suggestions!


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answers from Stockton on

I wouldn't be concerned about magnets on the head, but more if she eats it. When magnets get eaten, more than one, they can get stuck in the intestine and clamp two parts of the intestine together.
It was on the news last year, a little girl had to have surgery because the magnets were obstructing her bowls by clamping her intestines!
So watch out for all toys with magnets too.

Try Giovanni Organic hair gel (walgreens) for her whacky hair. Also Target sells clips for kids.
have fun.



answers from Sacramento on

No Slippy Hair Clippy doesn't use magnets. It has fabric inside the clip that helps prevent it from slipping. I bought a few when our daughter was little and they do stay in (as long as your child doesn't grab them off). They are small, though, so they'd be a choking hazard, as would all hair clips, so you do have to just use them when you'll be watching your child closely.



answers from San Francisco on

I know of a gal in Fairfield who sells "No Slip" Hair clippies for infants and bigger girls. Her name is Veronica, and she is just as nice as can be. She has some ADORABLE clippies. Her website is here:



answers from San Francisco on

I make hair clips/bows for infants, toddlers and big girls. They are lined w/ non-magnetic no-slip material & worked well for my daughter. You can see an array of them here:
Message me if I can help you!



answers from San Francisco on

I love You choose the ribbon from their great selection and they add a cute adornment. Also love that they're only $2 each. I've see similar ones in boutiques for $6.

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