Hi T.. I think you should tell them how you feel. If they are truly your friends they should appreciate your honesty with them. In fact it may enlighten them to the fact that a working mom doesn't have it so easy. Although they do not know what it is like to be in your shoes, perhaps they will refrain from making hurtful comments in the future. I stayed at home for the first 9 months of my daughter's life and then returned to work. I can honestly say that being a stay at home mom and being a working mom both have pros and cons. When you stay at home you have no break and it can be frustrating. On the other hand going to work is hardly a break and it also comes with the price of feeling horribly guilty for leaving your child. Either way you look at it, motherhood is not easy. You just have to remind your friends of that fact and bond over the things you have in common such as how much you each love your babies. If these other moms are not willing to hear you out they are not your friends. I would at least give them the benefit of the doubt before you walk away. If they let you down after you have shared your feelings I would say that would be the time to pursue making new friends.