wi school district

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Results 21-30 from 92 articles

Looking to Relocating to Hales Corners

D.W. asks from Milwaukee

My husband may be getting a new job in Milwaukee and we've looked at Hales Corners to move to. The schools are the most important because my daughter will be starting...


Death of a 2 and a Half Year Old Boy

A.H. asks from Rockford

This is very sad.  My husband's co-worker lost her two and a half year old boy the other night.  His heart stopped.  He was rushed to Children's Memorial in WI by ...


12 Year Old, No Friends, Mad at the World.

J.V. asks from Milwaukee

My son is 12. His father and I separated about 4 years ago. He has a couple freiends at school, but not many. The friends he does have, are at school only they don't ...


Looking to Buy a Home in Wauwatosa, Questiojns About Schools, Home Prices, Etc.

M.B. asks from Milwaukee

Hi there! I'm looking to buy a home soon and am hoping some of you can give me advice. We live in Milwaukee and want to buy a home in Wauwatosa because friends and ...


How Should I Handle Kindergarten for a Child Who Can Already Read?

K.M. asks from Chico

Hi Mamas, My 4-year-old son has one more year of preschool. He is an active little guy and socially and emotionally fits right in with his preschool friends. Howev...


10 Year Old Has Difficulty Getting Along with Kids

R.K. asks from Chicago

I have a ten year old son who has a hard time getting along with other kids. He is very calm and has no problems being around adults, but with kids eight and up. He...


Homeschool or Not? Why?

L.M. asks from Chicago

I'm very interested in hearing your perspective either for or against homeschooling. I think it can be a contentious subject, with strong points of view either f...


New to the Neenah/Appleton Area

L.G. asks from Appleton

Hi- We just relocated here and are seeking great advice from local moms! I am wondering if any of you can recomend any of the following: 1. A great pediatritian (...


"Redoing" Kindergarten?

C.R. asks from Duluth

Ok I have read thru some answers about waiting to start a child in Kindergarten, but my question is, If I do decide to put my child, whose birthday is August 23 and i...


Milwaukee Moms Please Help! We're Moving to Wisconsin

A.S. asks from Milwaukee

We currently live in California and my husband just got a job in Milwaukee. We will be moving soon and I know nothing about the area and need your help. Where is th...

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