My daughter just turned 10 months and I have stopped breastfeeding. She pretty much weaned herself. She would much rather play than eat. I slowly decreased her number...
My cousin just had her first baby on Tues. She has decided not to breast feed. Her brests are giving her a lot of problems as far as pain goes. She said they are swol...
I stopped nursing by 8 month old son about 2 1/2 weeks ago. The transition was seamless. He bit me so hard that he drew blood, so I said, "that's it!" I had only b...
does anyone experience sore boobs before you get your period i need some advice i don't want to be pregnant i really scare and i can not remember if i have sore boo...
Hello all! As of two days ago I have had a very strange stabbing, shooting pain on the outside part of my right breast throughout the day. Never happened before. I we...
Hello all Mom's, My question is to all the mom's that may have went through this before...Here's the thing I was 4 days late then started I had some cramping which I ...
Why are women bodies so confusing at times?? So I am due for my period on the 10th of August. Yesterday (the 7th), I had some bright red blood spotting, so I assume...
The first day of my last period was Sep. 5 and I'm am normally on about a 25 day cycle. If it isn't to the day, it is normally early so this is no where near normal f...
I am 15 weeks pregnant. My nipples are extremely sore!! They feel chapped! Is this normal? What can I do about it? I did not have this at all with my first. If I did,...