Hello moms!
There is this local swim club that is all the rage in my area because it is touted as being the best in teaching little ones how to swim quickly and ef...
My son is in the 1/2 day 4K program. Yesterday he had a timeout - he talks a lot and sometimes this bothers them. Well, apparently they put him in a timeout, and forg...
This week my fourth grade daughter's pencil broke and she was not allowed to sharpen it until "community time". She had Scholar Dollars to spend on a new pencil. She ...
I was shopping the other day with my 3 kids whom I love dearly, The oldest child who was with me at the time is almost 5 and very independent. (She's actually our mid...
just real quickly because obviously i shouldn't be on here right now but i need some answers! my son had swollen glands yesterday (he'll be 3 at the end of sept), wel...
I'm sure this happens to almost everyone, but I don't know how to address it. My 4 year old son has just started to run way from us when he's being disciplined.
I need any advice on what to do to make him listen. when i ask him to do something he ignores me and even thu i put him in time out and are persisten with him, he sti...
My 2 yr old daughter does not like negative words.. If I say her No to her, she will not accept that and cry and scream... How to make her understand not to do the th...
My twins (nearly 3) are just entering the age where we are being invited to more and more birthday parties! We are going to 3 parties in the next month...all for twi...
My sister is a bully to her neices and nephews she acts like their feelings don't matter and she bosses them around and hollers at them and treats them like lil slave...