My parents want to buy my daughter a tricycle for her 2nd birthday. We're looking at the Kettler Happy Navigator or the Kettler Blossom which is significantly less e...
I have a 7yo boy and a 3 yo boy. For the 7yo when he was a toddler, we took away tv and toys and other priviliges as punishments for bad behavior. He responded as I...
My daughter has had a few changes lately. First off, I am now 8 mon's pregnant. Second, we have transitioned her to a toddler bed (in another room) a few weeks ago. ...
My daughter is 2 1/2 and she goes to daycare 3 days a week. My daughter's teacher recently told me that she does not play with the other children in the classroom. ...
My son will be 3 in about a week and a half. I am pretty proud in saying we didn't experience much of the "terrible twos", but he is hitting 3 full speed ahead!!! H...
OK, so for some insite, The childs name is Morgan and her mom and father are not togeather. I came into this relationship knowing she had a child. Now that we are l...
My daughter missed the school cut of for Kindergarten by 3 weeks and she is very ready for school. All the pre-schools are either full or teach what she already know...
Don't get me wrong, I love the little girl and want her to be smart and I know asking questions is the only way to learn. However, I am starting to loose my mind. S...
Hey Mamas!
I believe that my DD is finally ready to potty train. She knows what "pee pee" and "poo poo" mean and always wants to bathe throughout the day.
Since ...
It seems like I am chopped liver all of the sudden with my daughter. She only wants Daddy. It has really begun to hurt my feelings and my husband is worn out. I will ...