My 20 month old grandson needs to have a hearing test. He seems to hear fine but is not talking. He babbles and trys to say words but nothing clear except "up". Ha...
Hello Ladies,
I recently took a Pregnancy test...I am late on my period and I ended up getting sick with a cold or something like that. I mean I had a sore Throat...
Help ladies! I was supposed to start my period today and have not. I took 2 First Response LINE tests. There are TWO pink lines showing. The line CLOSEST to the pee s...
I'm thinking it is, just very early. But i want some second opinions, maybe my judgement is clouded. My period is not due for another 2 days but I got anxious and dec...
I took one this morning (not trying to get pregnant, not trying real hard to prevent it either). I'm on the fence about # three but husband is ready for one more. ...
i posted before about my snoring, but it has gotten worse. i'm 5 months pregnant with my 3rd, so i know snoring can increase during pregnancy, but this is worse than...
I was next to my sister while she had her blood test done. She looked away, but I witnessed how a rubber they use to tighten the arm fell on the needle while her bloo...
When my hubby and i were dating we broke up temp,(week & a half), Oct06 we got a letter in the mail that merced county c/s/s was wanting money from him cause some gir...
Hi Moms. I just learned that I failed the 28-week glucose tolerance test. Cut-off was 130 and I came in at 137. I know everyone's different and every pregnancy is dif...