My 3 month old just stop taking her pacifier one day! This is frustrating as it was the only thing that would calm her down out in public or at home when I didn't wa...
My baby girl is 5 mo. old and weighs 17 or 18 lb..... she wakes up every 3 hours to eat at night a full meal feeding is that normal i only breast feed should i start...
Hello- My 13 week-old is waking up at 3:30 am every night and while we don't feed him or change him, it takes about 20 minutes to get him back to sleep. Now I'm scar...
I'm hoping some of you wise momms out there cme some advice. My baby girl just turned 3 months on Tuesday, and starting Monday night hasn't slept through the night.....
I have a daughter that is 3 weeks old (1st kid) and she seems to always be unhappy and crys all the time. I make sure she's fed, changed, sing to her, walk around, an...
So my daughter who turned 3 in Nov has been relatively compliant as kids her age or better as I have observed. However, since returning from a 1.5week's vacation to ...
I'm desperately in need of a naturalpath / homeopath etc, in nyc, who is pediatric or will see children! Please send any information on docs you know..... also, if a...
My 3-month-old son is a sensitive, wakeful baby. A little over a week ago, he was beginning to take predictable naps, and was sleeping an 8-10 hour stretch at night....
My husband and I need some guidance. Our 3 year old daughter is waking up in the middle of the night crying for us and admittedly, we've gotten into a bad habit of go...
For about 1 week and a half now, my 3 month old son has been so wildly awake at night, I have been putting him to bed at 10 pm but he won't sleep until 11:30 or so, w...