Good Afternoon:) on Feb 9 I'm having a c section and welcoming my sweet baby girl.yay! with my son my c section wasnt really planned, so I'm not sure what i should br...
Boy I sure had something. Apparently I rolled out of my bed in the middle of the night and ended up on the floor after hitting my temple, eye, and arm on the nightsta...
A few days back, I dropped a glass on the floor. Despite sweeping, vacuuming and repeating several times...I missed a piece. ( I don't know how! I feel awful.) My son...
Many of you out there may be those lucky moms that people kept telling about when I was pregnant. I was told over and over that my baby weight will just melt off with...
I am a mom to 2 kids and pregnant and i honestly think i am not done.My husband and i believe kids are a give and we would really love to have at least 1 or 2 more.Wh...
There are so many women out there who LOVE being pregnant. At times, I feel horrible because I really, really HATE being pregnant. With my son (who is almost 21 month...
My daughter had a severe rash with swelling on her face this weekend so I took her to a local Urgent Medical Care Center. By the time the nurse got us into a room to...
My girlfriend sent me a very funny McSweeneys item last night on unsolicted parenting advice from strangers. Made me chuckle. I'll post the link in the SWH.
I coul...
Let me preface this by saying I am not unsympatheic to prengnant people. I had three very very easy pregnancies so I know I am SO lucky. I have a friend who is pregna...
Is there anyone that can share with me an experience they had with pregnancy induced hypertension. I really need positive stories and what their OB did for them. I ...