Now that Christmas is over I'm wondering if my daughter has too many toys? Her dad seems to think she has too much. Overall I completely restocked her toys. I got rid...
My 4 yr old daughter appears to have a very "dark side" when she's playing. If she's playing with her dollhouse, the baby is always crying, if she's playing with her ...
Just like last year I am bagged down with work and other sundry life events and have waited until just about the last minute to plan my daughter's birthday party. I ...
My DD is a twister. A hair twister. I'm a twister, my grandmother it's in her genes ;)
She twists her hair, my hair, her dolls hair...she does it unti...
My kids are 5 years apart, daughter 8 and son 3. My daughter is always screaming from the minute he comes around! It is driving me crazy because she will NOT share ...
My nearly 5-year-old daughter is like MEGA tomboy. She absolutely refuses to wear dresses, she will only pick out her shoes & jackets in the boys' department, she we...
My daughter has been sucking her thumb since she was an infant. At about two (also the time I had my second baby), she starting twirling her hair with her other hand...
My neighbor is turning 8 this week and she and my daughter used to be really good friends. Her family always buys my kids really fabulous gifts and I would like to d...
Hi there, My 14 month old daughter and I just moved into a new duplex and I am not married so it is just the two of us. I was thinking of getting her a cat or kitten...
My cousin and I are toying with the idea of opening a center where mom's bring their kids just to play. In the area where we live, there is nothing like this, other ...