If you had yours stripped to help you go into labor, was it succesful and how long did it take after you had it done? I just had mine done yesterday and Dr said its a...
Ok, so I am due Sat. but have felt so huge and uncomfortable that I finally let my dr. strip my membrane today to see if we could get this little one here a little so...
I am almost 32 weeks pregnant and I went to the hospital because I have been having contractions the last 3 days and I was 50% effaced. The nurse did a pelvic exam an...
I am a mother of 2 who is in my 38th week of pregnancy and at my last ob appointment my doctor said I was dialated to 2 amd 60 pecent efaced she stripped my membranes...
I am 12 days overdue, and am wondering what ways you have to induce labor. My midwives have stripped my membranes (3 times now) but that hasn't done much. Any exerc...
Im 38 weeks pregnant and have been having tightening of my stomach pretty often and when it does i get this pressure feeling but no pain. Is this contractions? This i...
I am 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant (2nd pregnancy). I had my membranes stripped last Friday. At that time I was a good 3cm dilated and 60% effaced. I labored all week...
I am nearly 39 weeks along. Since Monday, I have been dilated 3cm and 75% effaced. About 2 weeks ago my blood pressure began to rise and I have become at-risk for p...