I've been watching kids grow and develop for a lot of years. Some of them aren't that difficult to care for. But often even the best kids will do things we don't wa...
My dd who has ASD is almost 5 and although she has made significant gains, she continues to have behavioral issues. Mainly she is not able to filter through social si...
My daughter is 3 and will be starting preschool in the fall. It's time for the good touch/bad touch talk, but I'm not sure how to go about it. She still needs help wi...
I have had the One about her private parts and how no one should ever touch her there. She gets that one. Now I dont know where to go to from here. I could have s...
I literally feel like throwing up after reading the story. I feel so horrible for the parents of these two beautiful children. I cannot even imagine what they are g...
Am I the only one affirmed in my decision to reject the current parenting trend to teach your children to use the real anatomically correct words for their private p...
I noticed a number of the comments for the "Cried Wolf" article from today said they are shocked that no one from the surrounding crowd even looked at them when her c...
I think it is a safe assumption, for the most part, to assume that when someone takes a pic, it may end up on Facebook. Organizations are starting to catch on. My d...
I have a 12 and a 14 year old, both very mature. Here is my question: How old legally does a child have to be to be left home alone? When I drive one child to an a...
I went to a place and saw someone kissing a 3 year old girl in the mouth on numerous occasions. I felt very unconfortable and disgusted for relatives of girl did noth...