small business loans

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Results 51-60 from 481 articles

Something I Haven't Thought Of?

A.S. asks from St. Louis

My husband and I are stressed to the limit right now. We have more student loan debt than most people could imagine (if I could kick my 21-year-old self's butt, I wo...


Should We Ask Our Daughter to Pay Rent?

J.J. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms: We have a 25 year old daughter who has been living at home during her senior year of college ( to help save money.. she commuted on the train downtown to s...


Fiancé Took Out a Loan Without My Approval

H.M. asks from New York

My fiancé and I are getting married in one month. About a week ago he took out a $7,500 loan with a very high interest rate (20+%) from a loan company with very bad...


Really Really REALLY Regretting Getting MBA...

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, this is both to vent and to ask advice. I got my MBA last year but unexpectedly got pregnant in my last year. I had the baby a month after graduation and s...


Just Curious: What Would You Do With...

L.E. asks from Los Angeles

$100,000? Here's the catch: it HAS to be a business investment. Can't pay off your mortgage, can't buy stuff, can't send your kids to school. If someone gave you $100...


25 Yrs Old & Need Family Advice Plz

J.G. asks from Cincinnati

I know I have so many questions lately--sorry, it's a crazy time in my life, and i haven't had any time to even stop and ask for advice until now--and i figured that ...


Who Gets Dibs on Hosting Husband's Graduation Party?

A.J. asks from Austin

My husband is in medical school and will be graduating soon. I would love to throw him a graduation party, but am supremely stressed on how to handle DH's mother (my ...


Help Teaching 24 Year Old Daughter (With a 6 Mo. Son) to Live Within Her Means.

L.P. asks from Minneapolis

What can we do to impress upon my 24 year old daughter the importance of budgeting and not spending money foolishly. My youngest daughter is 24 year old and has a 6 ...


Political Question--smaller Government?

B.B. asks from Missoula

I read an article in the NY Times yesterday (link at bottom of post) that I found interesting. Here is an excerpt: "DON’T take at face value the claims that Ame...


Need to Deal with Working and Sending 9 Month Old to Daycare.....

C.J. asks from Kansas City

I am having an extremely hard time with having to drop my son off at daycare 5 days a week and going to a job that I hate! I need to find a way to deal with it thoug...

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