My toddler will be three next month. I can't believe it! She is starting to show signs that she wants to give up her nap. Right now we have naps some days with a l...
We have been descending into chaos with our sweet 10 mo when it comes to sleep. She is very good natured and the only time she is ever upset or really even grumpy is...
For almost a week I cannot sleep restfully through the night. Either I toss and turn or I wake up and lay there for two hours. does anyone know of something that will...
I have two children a daughter who just turned 3 and a son who just turned 1. Both are not sleeping well any more, day or night. My daughter has always slept good a...
I can't seem to get to sleep at night. I lay there for hours and hours thinking about all the things I "could" be doing. My husband and 10 month old son go to bed at ...
My daughter is 21 months and recently asked for a blanket in her crib while napping. Thus far we have been relying on the sleep sack and a small heater to keep her wa...
I know that babies are supposed to sleep on their backs, but ever since my son learned how to roll he is always rolling on his belly when he sleeps. I bought one of t...
Please help! My daughter is now 2 months old. When I see that she's tired, I first lay her down then she starts her crying so I put her in her swing and she cries som...
My youngest child (my son)who is 6 months old has a very different personality than any of my girls did. He is a pure mommys boy which is sweet but, I am getting worn...
I think I have read every book and tried almost every approach, but my 8-month-old is still struggling at night. We have a pretty structured bedtime routine, and she ...