Today i took my four year old daughter shopping for a helmet for her new bike. i stopped at a few places before heading to the bike shop. She refused to walk the same...
My daughter is 5 (6 in Jan) and wears a size 7 (she's a tall kiddo). I hate clothes shopping for her. The clothes for her are the same styles designed for teenagers...
I'm going to try something new. Not sure how it will work, but it makes sense to me if it does work out.
I want to set a timer for 10 min every day and have each ...
This is my 1st baby and I know sometimes breast feeding doesn't go as planned. So, I'm wondering should I invest in a breast pump now before she's born to have on han...
I am 36 weeks pregnant and have a 17 mo. old son. He has been very well behaved up until recently which worries me with our new arrival. He doesn't want to sit in the...
Does anyone have a master list that they either created or found online for back-to-school clothing shopping? If you do would you mind sharing it with me, please?
I have a lot of childrens clothing and toys that my children have outgrown and I'd like to try and sell some of these things to hopefully make a little bit of my mone...
I'm making the checklists for my kids for our beach vacation. There is a washer and dryer in the home, so I'm triyng to plan for 4 days of clothes per person. What wo...
Dont yell at me too bad! The kids had walking pneumonia, and googling the symptoms of pneumonia tonight, Im pretty certain my husband and I have it too. Probably fo...
Hi there
I have a 15 month old boy who is very active. He'll be 18 months old at Christmas...and I am not sure what to put on his Christmas list or what to get him. ...