Santa Clause

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Results 21-30 from 208 articles

Santa Claus

K.S. asks from Rochester

For those of you who have/had children that believe in Santa Claus, at what age did you tell them the truth? We have an 11 year old and a 7 year old, and we are thin...


Santa Claus

C.O. asks from Louisville

How do I tell my nine year old son that there is no Santa Claus? His classmates are telling him that there isn't so he is now coming to me about it. This is probably ...


Why Can't Santa Be White?

P.N. asks from Denver

Okay, so first let me say that I am not saying each culture can't do what they wish to make WHATEVER magical cartoon character fit what makes them comfortable...and a...


Believing in Santa

R.W. asks from San Francisco

My kids (boys) will be 10 and 12 soon and still believe in Santa (and the tooth fairy, etc)...this is primarily because of Grannie who does the Santa-ing to excess an...


Advice on Santa

A.S. asks from Minneapolis

I need some other parental opinions. We are struggling about when to tell our girls the truth about Santa. My oldest is almost 10 and none of her friends believe in...


When to Give up Santa

A.H. asks from Knoxville

My 7-year-old daughter came home from 2nd grade the other day after losing a tooth and asked if the tooth fairy was real. I said yes. Then she asked if Santa was re...


When Did Your Child Find Out the "Truth" About Santa?

E.C. asks from Detroit

My son is 9 yrs old and I'm pretty sure this is the last year that he'll believe that Santa is bringing him a couple of presents. It's possible that he doesn't want t...


Avoiding the Santa Conflict

T.B. asks from Little Rock

I don't believe in Santa, never have. I don't want to mislead my daughter by lying about Santa either. My mom thinks that I am short changing my daughter by not havin...


Does Santa Wrap His Gifts at Your House?

☆.A. asks from Pittsburgh

I know Santa wraps some people's presents and leaves some people's unwrapped. What's the norm in your house?


For the Non-Santa Households - Santa Questions from Other Kids?

P.G. asks from Dallas

We don't "do" Santa, but we also don't ignore the existence of him. My son will be 5 in April; he goes to pre-school and some part time daycare. Of course the kids ar...

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