After I delivered my baby, I have been having alot of pain in my feet. When I wake up in the morning and get out of bed, my heels hurt as I am walking. The same thing...
Have the 'rules' changed? Is it okay to wear black to a wedding? The couple getting married is a young, hip couple and the reception is going to be an event. No ki...
I am at 33 weeks with twins. Lately I have either a sharp, immobilizing pain in my right heel or it is numb. Does anyone have any experience with this?
Boy I sure had something. Apparently I rolled out of my bed in the middle of the night and ended up on the floor after hitting my temple, eye, and arm on the nightsta...
Hey my lovely ladies,
I need opinions please. This is kind if the same question that keeps getting asked (nope I don't think im pregnant :) although let's say yo...
I try to wear heels to work sometimes and I just feel clumsy and ridiculous walking down the long hallways. I feel like I am strides do not seem to match...
I'm almost 49 and will be entering the job market again. Since I left work the style has become to not wear pantyhose. I was not a fan of skin colored pantyhose whe...
to get ready to attend weddings?
We have one tonight at 5 pm. I'm freaking out because I still need a dress, a card and time (and paper) to wrap the gift. It's ...
Sometimes people say the dumbest things. I took my daughter who is nearly three year old to the store today. While we were waiting in line my daughter starts saying H...