Ugghh.... I hate it when we are going somewhere and my husband calls on his way home from work. Be ready and have the kids ready when I get home so all I have to do is change. Like today, we have a Birthday party to go to, but he works until 3 the party starts at 1:30, obviously I need the kids ready before he gets here. And then again, all he has to do is get changed!!!!! Has he forgotten, I have to do my hair makeup shave my legs, sit relax, get up again (becuase I'm 9 mos pregnant and on my feet for long kills my back) try so desperately to get my sandels on by myself which is usually unsuccessful. Pack the bags, pack the camera, pack snacks.... and then get the kids ready!!!!! And how dare he ask, did you get everything?? Oh that just drives me nuts. I've been a mom for 7 years now, I think I know what I need to get don't second guess me otherwise you pack the freaking bag.... oh it just aggravates me that he does it have so much easier.
Oh and speaking of having it so much easier, he asks me last night "why are you so moody???" OMG.... Do you not see this huge basketball attached to my back along with the extra 40 pounds that's going with it.