reduce credit debt

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Results 141-150 from 253 articles

Money and Budget Help Needed!

K.S. asks from Salt Lake City

OK, I have a hard time asking for advice from perfect strangers about something that is very personal to me, but I need help. My husband and I made a decision togethe...


What to do...what to Do....

C.A. asks from Atlanta

I’m going to try and keep this short and to the point here-try being the keyword! Basically my father-in-law died at the end of our vacation at Disney unexpectedly....


Sacrificing Family

A.B. asks from Pittsburgh

Ok, too many people are missing my question and taking this as a hit against SAHMs. *sigh*. That's not the point at all. Maybe I rambled too much in the beginning, so...


Day Care for Son or Part Time Work and BROKE!?

K.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hello moms. I have a bit of a dilemma. My MIL used to watch my 9 month old son 2-3 days a week switching off with my parents. She recently hurt her back and is una...


Would You? Could You?

D.P. asks from Detroit

If you or your husband is presented with an opportunity to make almost 6x of your base salary of which the first $100k would be tax free would you do so under the fol...


18 Yr Olds Dr. Bills?

K.I. asks from Spokane

Hi guys, Ok, so my 18 yr old SS was sick recently. He started having stomach cramps at the end of June. His Mom is a PA (Physicians Assistant) and we sent him to her...


Effects of Bankruptcy on Custody Case?

D.K. asks from Washington DC

Hi Mamas, I hoping for some insight from anyone that's been through anything similar to this on either side. I'll make it as brief as I can. In 2004 I got divorced...


Stressed About Buying This House. Cold Feet. Seeking Wisdom.

J.G. asks from Minneapolis

Ok, so we were supposed to be moving home (out of state). Only, the job that we were only weeks away from moving out of state for basically fell apart. They started p...


Bankrupcy - Experiences?

C.G. asks from Dallas

I'm considering Filing Ch 7 Bankrupcy and was wondering if anyone has gone through this recently? Can anyone recommend a lawyer they've had a great experience with in...


Desperate for Financial Help

A.S. asks from St. Louis

I am at rock bottom. My husband came to me today and wants to file for bankrupcy because of a 2 month unemployment and years of financial mistakes. I am desperate t...

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