reduce credit debt

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Results 121-130 from 253 articles

Money Budget

V.S. asks from Lima

Hi ladies. I am currently enrolled in nursing school and will be attending this Spring. It is going to take me 3-4 years to complete my associates. I plan to eventual...


Just Lost My job.....pregnant W/two Kids - NEED BUDGET CUTTING IDEAS!

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I just lost my job, so our household income is now about half what it was. I am 5 months pregnant, so finding another job right now might prove challenging to say th...


Making Ends Meat....

L.D. asks from Dallas

I know we are not the only ones out there with this problem. We can't seem to make ends meat each pay period. My husband and I both went to college. He has a good ...


Need Legal Advice on Hospital Bills

M.B. asks from Oklahoma City

I had a preemie in Oct. who racked up some medical bills, while on his 3 week stay in the hospital. thankfully my insurance will not allow me to spend more than 3000 ...


When You Can't Afford Child's Allowance

C.M. asks from Chicago

We give our 11-year old $10 a week. It is a lot of money, but we also stopped buying her extra things because it was getting out of hand. So when we go to the movies ...


Lessons or Medical Insurance for Kids-not Political.

A.J. asks from Williamsport

Here is a survey based on a real life scenario. It takes the usual political discussion out of the health care issue, and breaks it down. I am curious which choice y...


Need Advice About Saving Money

D.M. asks from St. Louis

I recently got married this Summer to my best friend, we chose NOT to live together until we were married. Neither one of us really prepared for the financial struggl...


Political, C'mon.....

J.B. asks from Houston

There seem to be quite a few anti-Obama people these days. And the majority of them think we are in a worse situation today than we were 4 yrs ago, that is the gener...


Advice for Not Going Back to Work - to Be More of a Help and Support for My Kids

N.B. asks from Boston

I am currently going for a legal separation and currently on Short Term Disability due to major depression and high anxiety - I am considering not going back to work ...


Desperate for Advice!

K.H. asks from Tyler

As if there isn't enough going on for me this month in the past 2 days my husband && I have both have had our cell phones && electricity turned off due to him not bei...

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