Our grandson just turned 7 and I am wondering what restrictions other mom's and grandmas put on children for use of these items. Our grandson seems to be unresponsiv...
We have our 18 week ultrasound coming up (the fun one where we get to find out the gender) for our second child. We are considering bringing our 21 month old with us,...
My daughter is 6 months and I have been pumping at work ever since I went back to work. My boss who is a male has never ever said anything but his two assistants are...
Hi Ladies!
Just wondering if anyone else out there has a 4 or 5 year old child who often seems bored at home? Regardless of how many toys and activities he has her...
Some friends are going to take their 3 year olds to watch the upcoming Cars 2 and they've invited my preschooler to go. My son has never been to the movie theater, a...
We have a teenage girl in our neighborhood that baby sits a lot of the little ones in the neighborhood, including our 3 yo daughter. She has an iPod Touch and was le...
So, today, my friend posted about Lucy and Ethel. Of course I know who Lucy is from I Love Lucy. I even know that it was with Desi Arnez, but I didn't know who Eth...
My daughter is requesting to watch TV all the time. I am concerned that it is becoming a crutch for her, and would prefer that she engage in other activities. My gene...
This may be considered either a poll or a question, I'm not quite sure, but here goes...
This is out of curiosity-- how common is it for kids to watch tv/videos du...
This question is actually about my husband. For some reason, he now gets very nervous when he has to speak or present. He never used to get nervous and in his career ...