My son is 5 yrs old and reading at a 1st grade mid-year level. I’ve also got a 3 ½ yr old beginning reader that learned to read just from watching her older broth...
I have been interested in getting my daughter into the academy for the school district we live in and have now been through 2 evaluations. The first was an evaluatio...
Hi there! This is a question for all the homeschooling (and folks who know homeschooling) mamas. My daughter is only three right now, but I have been researching ho...
my SD is almost 6 and in kindergarten. for the past three years i've been working with her on her ABCs and sounds and reading, and she's been doing very well, but we...
Since my six year old son has been able to talk, he has always had difficulty in pronouncing certain letters and words. At the age of 3 my husband and I decided to ta...
Hi ladies, my son turned 4 years old last month and I was wondering if you know of a curriculum for me to follow to get him ready for school. He is in a 4 year progra...
I know it is early but I also know kids this age absorb information with little effort. So why not attempt to teach him to read now?
I would like to know of any prog...
Ok we use Saxon math and we use a variety of things for phonics. Right now we are just reading Bob books. I need a kinder curic. Any ideas.. Something with maybe some...
My little guy is learning to read! He knows the alphabet. We have done phonics, word building, and he knows about 60 sight words. We have done the first 6 stories ...