premature babies sleep

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Sleep and Eating

D.S. asks from Tucson

Where do I begin? First, we found out our son has acid reflux so we tried Previcid and he had an allergic reaction to it. So, we are now on Tagament. It is not as eff...


Sleep Anxiety

A.S. asks from Rochester

I am a new mom and I have a wonderful little girl that sleeps through the night. Most of you would tell me how lucky I am, but i am not sleeping at all. I am so affra...


2 Month Pre-Mature Baby with Severe Acid Reflux

C.E. asks from Billings

I am the mommy to 2 kids My Youngest is my son who is now 2 1/2 months old he was born at 32 weeks. He has been diagnosed with Severe Acid Reflux and Lactose and Toll...


When to Give Babies Cereal?

M.W. asks from Toledo

I was wondering if any one has ever put cereal in bottles of there childrens cereal and at what age did you start? I just gave birth to twins a month ago and have a ...



S.S. asks from Davenport

My month old doesnt like to take a nap in the day time at all. A couple of times hes been up all day 7:00am to 7:00pm.yeah I know!I thought newborns were suppose to s...


Moms Who Had Colicky Babies...

M.R. asks from Chicago

I need to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. How long did your baby's colicky period last? My baby is 6 weeks old, has his happy days and his unha...


How to Get Baby to Sleep Thru Night (While We Sleep)

G.M. asks from Washington DC

My 5 month old (who weighs 17 lbs now, 90% in weight) gets sleepy at around 6-7pm so I'll let her nap for a couple hours and will give her a bottle somewhere around 9...


Seeking Mom's of Babies Born at or Before 34 Weeks

A.O. asks from Sherman

I am currently 32 weeks and have started premature labor. The labor has been stopped at this time and is being help off by drugs for the time being. The doctor's are ...


When Will My Baby Sleep Through the Night??

L.Z. asks from Boston

Hello everyone! I know that the point at which a baby finally sleeps through the night can vary depending on the baby, their habits, size, etc., but I wanted to find...


Sleep Position of Newborns

M.H. asks from Dallas

My 8 week old daughter has preferred to sleep on her side since she was first born. I asked my midwife about this and she said 'no problem'. I also asked her Pedi a...

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