With both my daughters I was very lucky as they slept well early on. One of the things I did was stretch out the time they got their feedings to build on their ability to sleep through the night. There was usually a bottle around 5:30pm, and then I would give another bottle between 10 and 11pm. Usually they would take that bottle without waking up, or I guess I should say coming fully awake and getting back to sleep with a nice full belly and dry diaper seemed to get them through the rest of the night until 5-6am. As they slept later, I adjusted the night bottle back, so they would still wake up when I could spend some time with them getting ready in the morning before going off to work. This made for the most time for me to be able to spend with them (those special moments that are just the two of you), but it also gave a nice amount of time for hubby and I to spend together before the night bottle. BTW, I wasn't putting any cereal in those bottles either. Anyway, that worked really well for me. I hope whatever you try you have some nice sleepful nights ahead of you.