I am looking for some input on what I am going through. I had a miscarriage in October at 10 weeks. The doctor later found that I had developed an ovarian cyst on m...
I'm in the last stages of making sure that I'm actually having a miscarriage (at 7 weeks). The bleeding has been fairly heavy for the last day. My options (once I fou...
I am going through my first pregnancy and am about 18 wks. right now. I have been feeling so much better from all of the uncomfortable symptoms that come with pregnan...
I'm due to deliver July 18th. I have toddler at home, she's 2 yrs and 9 months. My first pregnancy I had gestational diabetes, controlled throughout with diet alone...
I have been experiencing severe joint pain since before giving birth to my 11 week old baby boy. It is mostly in my fingers, wrists, hips, knees, and spine. H...
I just wondered if anyone would like to honestly share the amount of alcohol they drank during pregnancy. I know that the main stream society certainly frowns upon th...
I just had a doctor's appointment at 10 weeks, or so I think, and the doctor couldn't find a heartbeat with that handheld device they use. I think it's called a Dopp...
I just found out I am pregnant again. My youngest just turned 1 last month, and I'm a bit nervous about being pregnant again and having 2 so close in age. I'm scare...
Hello Moms,
I'm about to start buying diapers for my new bundle of job but every time I find myself in the diaper aisle, I can't decide which ones to get! LOL
Okay IVF moms out there...I have a question for you. Did you take a pregnancy test BEFORE going in for the blood test at the doctor's office? I had 2 blastocysts (o...