I was placed on bed rest for a week, then told to take it easy, after experiencing Preterm contractions due to dehydration and "over doing it." The contrctions have e...
I know it's a bit early to be worrying about this.... I don't plan on getting pregnant for at least another year, but I like to plan ahead and this has been worrying ...
I just gave birth to my son Benjamin in June. We were told he had trisomey 18 and would not live more than a few days. So at 20 weeks we decided to go ahead and say g...
My husband and I have been TTC for 4 months. I'm 33. I have been using the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor and it appears I ovulate after 16 days. This month...
I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this problem and what you did for it (if anything can be done). I am in my last month of pregnancy and for the past few...
Hi Moms;
I am pregnant with my second child. In the beginning of this pregnancy I was so angry & easily irritated all of the time. The feelings eventually sub...
I am at wits end with my icky unwanted facial hair! I am constantly in the mirror tweezing and sometimes digging out ingrown hairs. It started 5 yrs ago during my 1...
Hi Ladies,
I'm wondering if any of you have any experience with having an Amnio done. I am currenty on my 6th pregnacy. The first 3 were uncomplicated, #4 I misca...
Hi moms, I have a question regarding vitamins. I was always able to take a muti-vitamin with no stomach issues. I have a pretty sensitive stomach, and HATE (like mo...
I really need help! I used to have a great memory!! Ever since my pregnancy, my memory has been horrible. It is beginning to affect my work and I am at a loss on wh...