physical therapy pediatric

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K. asks from Chicago

My 6.5 month old son was diagnosed with Positional Plagiocephaly...he has some flattening at the back / top of his head. The Craniofacial specialist told us that not ...


Needing Advice on Helmets for Plagiocephaly (Flat Head)

S.T. asks from New York

My little 6 month old son has a slighly flat side on his left side of his head. Our pediatrecian has recommended physical therapy, which my son is doing twice a week...


Son Is Having Numbness and Tingling

C.G. asks from Portland

Hello Everyone, I need advice about my eight year old son. Last summer, he fell off a swing (20 feet high) at a local playground while he was with his grandparents....


Anyone Have a Baby with Torticollis?

B.H. asks from Dallas

My 15 week old son has just began tilting his head to one side. He held is that way for 3 days now. He doesn't seem to have an ear problem. His neck has always bee...


Did Anyone Have a VERY LATE Walker?

J.C. asks from Kansas City

My daughter just turned 15 months old.(she's my first!) She is still not crawling OR walking. We've been to the pediatrician & we are going to have a physical therapy...



S.K. asks from Minneapolis

Yesterday when we took my son in for his 2 month appt, the doctor thought he might have torticollis. This is when a baby has a tendency to look toward one side due to...


Can Anyone Tell Me If Their Children Have Had to Wear Corrective Shoes?

R.J. asks from Cincinnati

Hello everyone, This will be my 2nd question to the group. My question for all of you is, have any of you or do any of you know anyone that has had to wear corrective...


18 Month Old Has Appt. W/ Gastroenterologist for Constipation. What Can I Expect

A.R. asks from Chicago

Hi ladies. So, here is the story as short as possible. My son has been constipated since birth. We have worked with his pediatrician on a strict diet of poopy fruits,...


Motivating My Daughter to Move

D.J. asks from San Francisco

My daughter broke her leg 6 months ago. It was a pretty bad break of the femur bone. She was hospitalized for a week, during which she had surgery. Then, she spent ab...


Sensory Processing Disorder / Sensory Integration Issues

M.M. asks from Phoenix

Does anyone have experience with Sensory Processing Disorder / Sensory Integration Issues? My son (6 years old) needs to be evaluated....I have multiple opinions reg...

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