Hi everyone. My husband and I have decided to adopt our first cat (well, she's a kitten actually), and I was wondering if anyone has any pointers. We have a 2 year ...
Ok.....I'm just going to throw this out there in hopes that someone can help me a bit.
Hubby and I decided the kids need a dog. We (hubby and I) have had great su...
Hubby has wanted a Big Dog for a long long time, we finally moved to a new house with enough room for pets. My kids are 7 and 5 and i feel old enough to enjoy and he...
Is there anyone out there that is a devoted animal lover?
Here's our deal. We have a shih-tzu just turned 7 january 28th. We've had him sinse he was a pup.
We lost our beautiful, loving, 13 year old Keeshond this summer to Lymphoma. We are wanting to get a mid-sized dog (50 pounds or less) that will be good with our boy...
My 6 year old son has had ringworm of the head several times. It started when he was 2 years old, and I'm sure it was from using clippers at the barbershop. ...
Due to some unforeseen circumstances our family will no longer be able to care for our dog, Bella. Both me and my husband are working full time and have little time t...
My 15 year old daughter made her HS varsity cheerleading squad this spring, and this summer at practice they had tryouts for the competition squad which will compete ...
It seems like it used to cost a lot less to own a pet. You fed them dry food and got them a rabies shot yearly, that was it. Now, they want you to spend $200 a year g...
I just found out this morning that our son is allergic to cats and dogs, and we have 4 cats and 1 dog. The nurse at the specialist's office says that they don't tell ...