Hi Mamas! The pet question has come up in our house and, for now, we are a solid NO! But it got me thinking...how much work is there with having a cat around? I ha...
If you are a dog owner I would like to know the "truth" about having a pet...
We only have had fish & I never thought about becoming a dog owner, however t...
I love the question about them annoying us, but it made me wonder if they all know this is our pet peeve? Have we ever said anything? I don't think I have. So, What ...
My daughter (Kindergarten) gave a friend of hers a "Wuggle Pet" to put on her backpack for school. Sometime in the morning my daughter saw another little girl take t...
I live in a pet friendly apartment. My son is just about 24 months old and I am a HUGE animal lover. I would really love to adopt a small dog (we can afford it financ...
My 2 1/2 yr old daughter is really frightened by dogs. She has to be held when they are near, even if it is a neighborhood dog she is familiar with and will ...
Is Webkinz bad for kids? My eldest daughter is 5 1/2. She was hanging out with an 8 year old cousin and learned about webkinz.com. She has one webkinz that she take...
DH and I both grew up with dogs. We know that we can't have a dog. We aren't home enough and it wouldn't be fair to the dog. But we would like a pet. Several people h...
We adopted a dog from Operation Kindness in June and have had her ever since. She is mostly a good dog, but lately, the past month she has gotten horribly rowdy and ...
Ok everyone...what did you do with your pet cats when you got pregnant? I heard so many scary things about cats and pregnancies or babies....so what did you guys do? ...