I was doing laundry this morning, and saw that the brand new shirt my daughter wore yesterday has grape juice and bar-b-cue sauce all over it. It is not white, so bl...
Hello everyone! Does anyone know of a product or home remedy for pet urine/vomit stain removal for white carpet? I've tried most products sold at Wal-Mart and Targe...
Okay, not sure if anyone else has this problem, but ever since my husband and I have lived together, when I wash clothes, my nice clothes end up with these bluish pur...
My daughter loves to play with silly putty. Frequently her clothing ends up stained. I've tried everything I know to get it out. Any ideas, solutions? Thanks
so v...
My one year old got some spaghetti sauce all over a nice new blue shirt...(out of town, forgot a bib)...so anyway when i got back i sprayed some oxy clean pre-wash on...
hi -
I have a lot of old baby clothing that has been passed down many times. unfortunately some of the clothing has stains on it (some worse than others). I know t...
I have an old 1987 linoleum floor. It has grooves in it that collects dirt and has had dirt in it when we bought the mobile home. Mopping does not get all the dirt ou...
For those who use Pack-It lunch totes for your children's school lunches, what do you do to clean them? (For those who don't have them or know of them, they are lunc...
Both my children's gloves and mittens have a very "stinky" smell to the inside of them. I've tried washing them inside out and soaking them, nothing seems to work. ...