My son just turned 1 and my arm and wrist and hurting badly - he's not yet walking (just cruising) so I'm assuming it's just the weight of picking him up all the time...
I am currently still nursing my 9 month old. When he was 2 months old I had to STOP all dairy from MY diet b/c it was making him fussy. I was able to slowly reintro...
Hi moms!!
I am turning to you and mamasource to see if you can answer a question for me regarding an 18 month old that everytime someone picks her up her back pops/c...
I have absolutely no energy to do anything fun anymore. My husband thinks it's low iron. I wanna take supplements but don't know which ones or what to take.
Hi Mamas!
My almost 2yr old son is not a great eater. I offer him three meals a day plus snacks. I have also been giving him a warm 6oz bottle of milk for nap an...
i was looking over some breastfeeing information today and was wondering this question. Can a mom still make efficient milk for her newborn baby if she dosn't eat we...
Three days ago I dropped a heavy cooking sheet on my foot. Since then my foot has been a little swollen and a little bruised. Could it be possible i broke a bone? If ...
My little 21 month old takes 2.5 ml of zyrtec everyday and has done so for the past 6 -8 months or so.......he does some allergies but conclusive testing can't be don...
At the end of Jan I significantly reduced meat in my diet. I eat fish a couple of times a week, eggs a couple of times a week and I've had cheese in very small amoun...
The other day my hair stylist was telling me how she has lost a ton of weight drinking meal replacement shakes for breakfast and lunch from "Body By Vi" a.k.a. "Visal...