I know I am the only one that can make this decision, but if you could tell me your good or bad experience (with either) I think it will help me make an informed deci...
I have a SIL that's due in about 10 days to have her baby. My husband mentioned announcing our pregnancy after their baby is born (It's his brother). He thinks that w...
I have had two successful pregnancies with no problems conceiving, holding or carry full term. In the last six months I have had two miscarriages. They both ha...
Hello, I am 39 weeks pregnant (per my Docs estimation from my last period) and my baby is measuring at 37 weeks, two weeks behind. Has this happened to anyone and is...
Hello! If you go on this site much, you will know that I have posted about having irregular periods when I am not on the Pill and my DR suggesting I go on Clomid. Wel...
Sorry, this is the first time that I've posted anything. I went to my doctors office for an 8 week ultrasound due to previous miscarriages. Baby's heart is good and g...
I am having a hard time deciding whether to go with a VBAC or a repeat c-section. I am wondering if anyone has had a similar story to mine and can let me know what t...
So with holiday travel, my options (assuming i can even get in) are to do the ultrasound at week 5/ 6 or wait until week 8 after the holidays. If they close that wee...
I am 6 1/2 months pregnant with a baby girl and when using the doppler to find her heartbeat, I have had 2 doctors tell me that I have a "very active baby" because sh...
Hello everyone. This past Saturday I went to the ER with a terrible headache & found out I am about 13 weeks pregnant. Very shocking, I have 2 children who are 10 & 8...