my 20 month old has a cold

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Cold House

J.B. asks from Kansas City

I live in an old drafty house and now that the weather is getting cold I don't know what to do. My 6 month old son's room seems to be the coldest room in the house. ...


Cold Rotations

Z.A. asks from Charlotte

Hi, I have been juggling colds and other congestions with my kids. My 4 year old always seems to be congested. The pediatrician suggested that it was allergies and to...


Weaning 20 Month Toddler

S.R. asks from San Francisco

Hi, I need practical suggestions for weaning my 20 month old. I have to wean for medical reasons (please no guilt about making it to 2 years because "they say so....


Toddler Has Cold Now for a Month!!

L.H. asks from Albuquerque

Hello! My 2 year old son has had a cold with a dry cough and nonstop running nose. He doesn't have a fever, but sleeping is hard for him because of the cough. My c...


Seeking Playgroup or Playdate for My 20 Month Old

J.M. asks from Philadelphia

I am a WAHM (work at home) of a 20 month old daughter and I am looking for a weekly playgroup or playdate. It could be at my home or yours, at the park, etc. Just loo...


Activities for Active 20 Month Old

J.P. asks from Washington DC

i'm looking for something that my 20 month old can do to expell some of her energy. she loves sports but she cant do any sports until shes 3 or older is there any thi...


20 Month Old Will Not Drink Milk

D.H. asks from St. Louis

My 20 month old daughter will not drink milk. I have tried adding chocolate and strawberry flavoring. I have also tried not offering other drinks. Please help.


20 Month Old Won't Take Medicine

L.J. asks from San Francisco

My 20 month old son came down with an ear infection along with fever. The doctor prescibed amoxicillin, a thick pink fluid I give to him with a dropper. He took it ...


21 Month Has a Cold What Is Safe?

J.V. asks from Austin

Hey everyone I have a 21 month old boy who has just started daycare this is his 2nd week. And I know that he is going to be getting sick more often now from being aro...


20 Month Old Started Waking up So Early

M.M. asks from Rochester

I have a 20 month old daughter who just recently (over the last week) started waking up earlier and earlier every day. Today she was up at 6:15. I am a stay at home...

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