My 2-year-old grandson has lost 3 teeth in the last 6 months. He fell twice, hit himself in the mouth with a plastic bat once, and though his mouth wasn't bruised or ...
Hi, I've been breast feeding my son exclusively since he was born. (he is now 6 months and a few days old) He just sprouted his first tooth and his second is only d...
Okay I have 3 wonderful children, but with each one my hair seems to shed more and more with each child. My son I hardly noticed it, with my daughter I noticed it an...
I feel awful. When my son walked out for a second time into the living room with a look of sadness I can't describe, I realized I'd forgotten again. I've been so pre-...
Hi Moms, my dd will be 5 in Sept. She has now lost her two bottom teeth. One a few weeks ago, and another just tonight. I'm just wondering if I need to be worried th...
sooo confused. my daughter is 10, never had a cavity. she drinks only milk and water, never drinks soda, has juice like twice a week. doesn't eat fruit snacks or e...
My son was complaining about his teeth hurting this week so I took him to his dentist. He sees the dentist every 6 months and we have followed any recommendations as...
Does anyone have any experience with fast/early teethers?
My son started off pretty normal, got his first two teeth at 5 months. The next two the next month. Any...
This is inspired by the toothfairy question. I don't think my son would care too much about the toothfairy as long as he still got the $ I remeber saying to my husban...
I know I put in a request prior to this one about my 5 month old's sleeping habits. We finally got into a bedtime routine of going down between 7:30 p.m. and 8:00 p....