I breastfed my first son until he was 6 months, when he weaned himself (starting at about 4 1/2 months or so). He had always been supplemented with one - three bottl...
Overall my LO and I are doing well at breastfeeding. I do supplement once or twice a day with formula and I try to pump when we do (to avoid milk depletion). My son...
Hello ladies....I am a proud mommy of a 5 1/2 yr old girl (didn't take to breastfeeding) and a new baby girl 3 1/2 months. Breastfeeding was a slam dunk with #2...I'...
Hello, Im a new mom. My little girl is just a month old. Everyone keeps telling me that she will get better at breastfeeding, but Im getting so impatient! She is quit...
At the beginning, breastfeeding was difficult due to milk supply and poor latch issues. Gradually my milk came in and baby learned to suck. Things have been going oka...
Hey Mommas! I just birthed my beautiful third baby 2 weeks ago at home, in water, and unexpectedly unassisted!! I am so proud of this little boy and how he smoothly...
I have a 17 year old friend who is breastfeeding a 7 month old baby (who was born 2 months early!). The baby is lactose intollerant and since this was discovered a m...
I am currently in my 7th month of pregnancy. I read that breast shells can be worn for the reminder of my preg and that should help to "draw the nipple out". So far I...
I had to have my knee drained today and they gave me a shot of steriods in each knee. Because of this the doctor said I would not be able to breastfeed for 5-7 days....
My sister has a 5 week old & has been told that she has Raynaud's phenomenon. This explains the painful nursing and blanching of the nipples a little after the baby ...