Four Month Old Breastfeeding and Having Problems

Updated on March 23, 2007
M.P. asks from Ravena, NY
15 answers

I breastfed my first son until he was 6 months, when he weaned himself (starting at about 4 1/2 months or so). He had always been supplemented with one - three bottles per day and I NEVER pumped very well. I was really hoping to go longer with my next baby, Kaden, and supplement less (only one bottle at night when he is most hungry) but at four and a half months we seem to be having some problems. Just as with Alex, I don't think that I have very much milk. I have read a lot on the subject and talked to several lactation consultants and my pediatrician, and I know that just because I can't get anything out pumping doesn't mean that Kaden isn't getting any. I believed that until recently. At his last appointment he was only in the 10th percentile for his weight (down from 50th and 50-75th in height) - which means he has only gained a little over four pounds from birth. He has also started being really unhappy during feeding time. He will nurse for maybe five minutes on each side and then starts whining. I can put him down and get him happy doing something else on occasion, but an hour later he seems hungry again. Today I gave in and gave him two ounces after feeding and he seemed content for 2 1/2 hours. I have tried everything from pumping (even though I don't get anything out), to making sure he feeds every two hours, to taking fenugreek capsules and oatmeal. So, I have two questions: first, how long should fenugreek take to get into your system (I have been taking nine capsules a day for about a week and a half - or one whole bottle)? and second, does anyone have any other suggestions? Should I consider weaning him already or supplement after every feeding? I really didn't want to give up so soon, but I have another very young child who demands attention, so I cannot be feeding constantly. Please help!!

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So What Happened?

Thanks for all your advice. The one that I have not yet tried is the "nurse-in", but I can't see that being able to happen with our schedules. My husband works rotating shifts and right now we are finishing my upstairs, so I am painting or cleaning every second I get free!! But I guess I will have to make the time if I want to continue nursing! And some people asked why he is nursing only five minutes on each is definitely not because I am taking him off! I try everything to get him to stay on as long as possible. In the beginning he was on 20 minutes on each side, but lately he will nurse great for about two minutes. Then he starts pulling off and whining like I have nothing left. I keep putting him back on and massaging my breast to try to get more milk until he is so frustrated that I absolutely cannot keep him on any longer (and usually after I have switched sides five times and switched positions on each side!!)

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answers from New York on

hi M., im going to copy and paste a response i sent to another mom who was having trouble with her milk supply. its long, but i think it pretty much covers everything, some of which you have already tried, and some of which has already been recommended to you in your other responses. for you, i think the most important thing is to increase time at each breast, 5 min is not nearly enough, and remember that you must finish the first breast first, the hind milk is what fills them up and fattens them up, also has the necessary fat for brain development. you should be doing at least 20 min on each side right now while you are increasing your supply. hard with a little one around, believe me, i know, mine both nursed up to 45 min at a time at that stage. it wont last though. and secondly, check your hydration, lots of water and nothing like caffiene that will dehydrate you. so here is my other loooong response, please read it, you may really find something to help. take care, D.
>>>you got a lot of good advice here, but one of the most basic and important things is to DRINK WATER. drink lots of it, especially right before and during nursing. and no caffiene, no cold medications, it dehydrates you.
its important to eat well and rest as much as you can, impossible, i know, but try. and very important to relax right before and during nursing, i was never able to let down if i was uptight, do what you need to to relax. sometimes when you are having a rough time, it helps to not focus on the baby. any ads we see make us feel like when we are nursing we are supposed to be gazing lovingly into our babies eyes the whole time in a soft white robe, but if you are stressed about nursing, sometimes its better to focus elsewhere. i had trouble getting started with my son, and i realized that i was so stressed about him nursing that i was actually squishing him. so i started watching funny tv or talking to non-stressful people on the phone while i nursed, and it helped a lot.
***the more you nurse the more you will produce***, try not to use any bottles until you boost your supply. nurse as often as you can, including during the night, as much as you can without your nipples getting sore. **have a nurse-in for a couple of days**, relax in bed with the baby, have plenty of water and healthy snacks and just nurse, at least every 2 or 3 hours on each side. even if the baby isnt hungry that often, putting the baby on the breast for even 5 min to stimulate will help. and be sure to finish one side before going to the other side, and switch your starting side each time. if the baby falls asleep nursing, wake him? up once or twice to get a little more into him. you can wake him gently, flick the bottom of his foot, or wipe down his face/hands with a damp washcloth, or take off some of his clothing, change his diaper, whatever. it sounds rude, but its very tiring for them in the beginning, and they often fall asleep from the effort before they are full anyway. plus its all for him anyway, so dont feel bad:)
pumping with a good electric pump will help a lot, but DO NOT pump before or in place of nursing, only after baby is all done, like the other mama said. (all of this is just for now to boost your supply, by the way, once you do that and get into a groove, it wont be like this, its a piece of cake once you get things settled)
also, oatmeal helped me a lot, i saw a noticable difference. use real oatmeal, and put on fake maple syrup, it has fenugreek in it.
my gyn also told me beer, but he said black beer is best, i dont know what that is, assuming a dark beer?
hope this all helps. the nurse-in is the best thing you can do, drink lots of water, stick with it and you will see a difference very quickly.
if none of this works, la leche is a great resource, i also have the number of a good lactation consultant if you want, email me.
best of luck, stick with it, it will work. and dont underestimate the power of a good support group. if you have people in your life who are not supportive, and keep telling you "just give him a bottle" you need to look elsewhere for support right now, at least until you get established. you can email me any time. your body was designed to do this, stick with it, it will work. best of luck, D.



answers from Buffalo on

I am sorry that you are having problems with nursing. I think that if you do not have the time for nursing him on demand, which is whenever he seems hungry and then pumping after every time you feed him to stimulate your breasts to make more...then you may have to supplement. He seems like he is very hungry. I had that problem with my daughter, who is now 5 months. We are off the breast completely and only using formula now. I was able to nurse my other two children for longer, but it really is hard when you have other littles at home. Good luck. Don't feel bad if you can't continue, adding to your stress wont help anything!



answers from Scranton on

Is it possible he's pulling off and whining because of overactive letdown? I didn't read all the responses so I didn't see if anyone suggested that. We had that problem, I had to nurse lying on my back with the baby on top of me a lot. If he's still too small and floppy you can express until you get past the first letdown and then it's usually slower after that.



answers from New York on

Hi M....I too went throught the same problem. I have an 11 yr. old, a 3 yr. old and a 9 month old. I did not breasat feed my first, but my second I was so insistent on breast feeding. It lasted 3 months and i found my self exhausted and like all i was doing was feeding him all the time. With the third (who happens to be named Kaden LOL)I swore I would make a better effort and again I went thru the same thing...It lasted 4 months this time, he latched on fine and fed fine but just wasn't getting enough, and again I felt like i was NURSING ALL THE TIME and my 3 yr old wanted and needed my attention to. The baby would either fall asleep or get VERY fussy or gassy. I tried changing my diet and watching what I was eating and NO LUCK. I pumped and was producing plenty of milk, I could easily get 6-8 oz out of one breast, but it STILL didnt satisfy him. Eventually I supplemented formula and then switched him over completely at a bout 4 months. Initially I felt very guilty and like I did not accomplish my goal, but I came to realize that the brest milk was just NOT enough for him...its so thin I suppose it just wasnt filling him up and he did so much better with the formula. Now he is on solids and takes less formula but he enjoys feeding time much better. Don't get down on yourself if you feel like the breast milk is not satisfying him. Try to continue to supplement and if needed switch him over completely to will know in your heart what you need to do. Good luck to you and Kaden!!



answers from New York on

Hi M.,
My name is Y.. I'm a SAH mom as well. I had the same problem with breastfeeding for both my kids. I did everything in the book to increase my milk flow but nothing worked. You were definitely better than me. I only had 2 and half months of supply. Pumping was a problem for me too. The rest I supplement. There is nothing wrong with supplementing. The most inmportant thing is making sure your child is getting enough to stay healthy and not under weight. Do not feel bad about not having enough to nurse. Everyone's body is different. Some have lots to provide and some don't even have any. I looked at it this way. The most important part of breastfeeding is the colostrum and the child got it. Don't stress yourself out. You need to be strong, healthy, and stress-free to enjoy your children, as well as taking care of them. If I were you I won't trust or take the fenugreek capsules. You don't know what kind of side affect if might have. About weaning, that's up to you. If you feel strongly that Kaden is not getting any milk and he is just using your breast as a comfort zone, then I would.
BTW, stress and your own weight loss plays a big factor on decrease of milk supply.
Good Luck! I hope this help and is to some comfort. Take care of yourself!



answers from New York on

Hi M.,
I had a friend that had the same problem that you are having. She didn't have enough milk to keep her daughter satisfied, she still wanted to continue nursing so she would supplement with a bottle after the baby nursed both sides. Her daughter got used to this new routine rather quickly and still was able to get the benefits of breastfeeding. My suggestion is to nurse as long as possible, it is best for you and your son.



answers from New York on

M.,I can completely understand what you are going through.I went through the same exact thing.I took 4 fenugreek4-5xs a day.I guess it didnt help you w/me it was 24hrs.I looked like Dolly Parton lol.Then it stopped.I went on line to earth,mama,angel and ordered the mothers milk,wow.(i hated the syrup smell)Do you smoke if you do that can also cut your milk by al least 3/4.If not one hour after you breast feed pump i know its a hassle but i was pummping 1 hour after every feeding.(save the milk obviously lol) That might work.Even though your not engorging(sp).Try really warm towels on your boobs before you feed,.Its a pain I know.If he sleeps through the night before you go to bed try the warm towls before pumping try to leave the towels on until they cool like 5-7 min as warm as you can stand it and pump after.Did you try the Le Leche league?They have an on line group that was very helpful.I hope this works.Even if you dont have any milk 1 hr after you pump.its telling your body to produce more plus try the tea.Dont give up.Im here for ya.Hope this helps.Its all about the pump I hope this helps.Good Luck!!!R.



answers from New York on

dear M., I never breastfed.I only use formula. why put yourself through all this stress. trying all these products and ways to do things. your baby seems very hungry like mine is and im sure formula would do the trick.I have a 20 mos and a 7 week old so i know what your talking about with time. formula is so much easier and less time may not be exactly like breastmilk but it is still good for the baby.good luck.



answers from New York on


Nothing to do with St. Patrick's Day--drinking a beer a day (if that fits with your religious/allergy needs) will give you the best breast milk ever. I nursed my son for two years nursing 6 times a day for 15 minutes for the first 10 months and it was because I had at least half a beer each day--stout is even better but it's very bitter.

If that doesn't work--I'd say that's a sign from God that it's time. If it's stressful for you--then it's stressful for your baby---as you know.

Best to you and your beautiful children.

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answers from Syracuse on

its normal for breast feed babies to not gain as much as formula fed babies. My little girl was 6lbs 2oz when she was born, her fist and 2nd month she gained 2lbs each month, then at her 4 month check up she had only gained 1pound in 2 months. Shes a little over 5 months and is probably a little over 12lbs, and still eats every 2hrs.

To get your milk supply up take 4 fenugreeks 4 times a day (12 pills a day.) It should only take a day or 2 to get into your system, when you start to smell like maple syrup then its in your system. Also you should stop offering a bottle, nurse often, the more you nurse the more you make. Pump whenever you can you might not get alot out but the stimulation will help you make more. If your son has enough wet diapers a day and is reaching his milestones then hes fine.
go to for more info.
good luck and remember even if you have to supplement you are still giving him at least a little breastmilk and thats better than nothing.



answers from New York on

this may seem weird but my dr. suggested with my daughter whom i nursed a year to eat fresh garlic and let me tell you it works. My son who is 3 months old i'm purdusing allot of milk and i believe it's due to the fresh garlic that i keep in my diet. don't give up drink lots of water and eat foods that will help you. I forget what fish she told me I believe it was Salmon she said also helps with your milk supply too...

Good luck
M. M



answers from Utica on

Here's what I found on fenugreek and breastfeeding....
Fenugreek and breastfeeding - Fenugreek seeds contain hormone precursors that increase milk supply. Scientists do not know for sure how this happens. Some believe it is possible because breasts are modified sweat glands, and fenugreek stimulates sweat production. It has been found that fenugreek can increase a nursing mother's milk supply within 24 to 72 hours after first taking the herb. Once an adequate level of milk production is reached, most women can discontinue the fenugreek and maintain the milk supply with adequate breast stimulation. Many women today take fenugreek in a pill form (ground seeds placed in capsules). The pills can be found at most vitamin and nutrition stores and at many supermarkets and natural foods stores. Fenugreek can also be taken in tea form, although tea is believed to be less potent than the pills and the tea comes with a bitter taste that can be hard to stomach.

Fenugreek is not right for everyone. The herb has caused aggravated asthma symptoms in some women and has lowered blood glucose levels in some women with diabetes. Please read Dr. Ruth Lawrence's article Herbs and Breastfeeding for more information on fenugreek.

I was a milk making machine so I don't know how much help I can be,lol.
But , 5 minutes a side is not enough by a long shot. I would say at least 15 per side would be more like it. Make sure you are extremely well hydrated and well nourished. And yes one NA beer a day will help with production.
Also, watch what you are eating , everything you eat flavors your milk and can cause tummy aches. Most of it is no brainer stuff, garlic , gassy foods, high acud foods like OJ and spahgetti sauce.
Just remember any breastfeeding is better than none and don't feel bad if you have to supliment or switch all together.



answers from Binghamton on

supplement every feeding or try to rubbing your breast before feeding time, I had to that with my son when he was breast feeding, I noticed after I started rubbing my breast before feedings my son was getting full and happy and every other 3rd or 4th feeding I would supplement if he was still hungry



answers from Albany on

Try "Mothers Milk" herbal tea from the health food store. It works wonderfully for me. Give it 3-5 days to see more milk. Second, nurse your son every hour if need be until your body makes more. My daughter was born 7lbs. 8oz. and doubled her weight by three months, and I feed her every hour and a half to two hours. Good luck!



answers from New York on

Why is he only nursing for 5 mins on one breast. Is he letting go on his own or are you taking him off? Because he needs to nurse for at least 10 mins before he gets to the hind milk. Let him nurse for as long as he wants on each side. When he lets go, burp him, and switch sides. There are also teas you can buy (Mother's Milk) at your local health food store. Also my midwife suggested drinking one non-alcoholic beer a day. This can also help to increase your milk supply.

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