My granddaughter has always liked preschool but lately she has been acting out. One day she threw she shoe other times she threw tantrum but today she slapped one of ...
I need some input here.
I have seperated from my daughter's father and we will be divorced soon. Due to issues that he has with alcohol, his current living situatio...
Hello. I have a six and a half year old son, and four year old daughter. She has been acting out lately to a degree that I believe is not normal and none of my effo...
My yr old son has been acting out lately. He will get mad and yell at us. He throws his arm out like he's going to hit someone but he never actually does it. If he is...
In the last few months, my daughter has really started acting out in school and at home. She's always been a sassy little thing, but now she is becoming very hateful...
Help, I have to wonderful little boys, whom I am completely inlove with ... that are making me crazy.
I've got a little guy 10mos and my other is 2 1/2 (birthday in...
I have 2 boys the one i am a little concerned about is 7 1/2. He is LOVELY and funny, we live in Mexico he is a bilingual Blondie as well a straight "A" Student ..HOW...
My son has been acting out at school, punching other kids, kicking other kids, even puncturing balls with pencils and so on. He has already had 2 or 3 in school suspe...
My daycare provider recently called me and told me that she can't handle my daughter's behavior any longer and that she doesn't know what do do. For the both of us - ...
My daughter just Turned 2 and I am looking for different ideas for diciple. Basically she is always getting angry, saying no to everything I suggest and HITTING. Sh...