My daughter got through her first 8 teeth pretty good. Now she's getting her molars and is having a terrible time. She's only sleeping every other night. My husband a...
My daughter is 5 1/2 months old and we spotted her first tooth on Saturday! She hasn't been eating well (about 3 - 4 oz at each feeding - normally she eats 6) for the...
Any good advice? He crys incessantly about every other night from pain. I have tried frozen washcloths, Tylenol, vibrating chew toys and freezer teethers. I (perso...
My daughter is in the process of cutting her first tooth. The past week had been pretty tough because she will no longer sleep through the night. In fact, she rarel...
OK, my 3 1/2 mth old is getting a top tooth in. I know it isn't normal for a baby that young to get a tooth in, and I also know it isn't common for their first tooth ...
Hello everyone, I have a 4 month old baby girl who is starting to teeth. I know it might seem a little early but my oldest had 4 teeth by the time he was 4 months. I ...
We are traveling to the east coast for the holidays, I have a very active 1yr old. Wanted to know if anybody used hylands calmforte tablets for their kids 1 and under?
I am just wondering what advice you all have about putting orajel on your babies gums for teething. I have heard that it can cause the baby to choke because it numbs ...
My baby boy got 2 teeth at 3.5 months and is working on at least one more. He's still so young, he doesn't really use teethers yet and just sticks out his tongue whe...