My grandson is 15 years old soon to be 16 and he has a lot of breakouts. I have tried using nutrengena soap and proactiv. The soap doesn't seem to work and the proa...
I hope somebody can help. My 16 month old baby girl is getting insect bites that are resulting in red welts. Does anyone know of a baby friendly product I can use t...
Here is my situation. I am debating whether or not to have a c-section with this baby that is due in July. Here are my reasons for the section: 1. I had a vaginal d...
My 1 year old son was hosptialized at 2 & 4 months with a cold & RSV & because of this difficulty at a young age the Doctor diagnosed him with asthma. I know he does...
So I'm on here wasting time I don't have, wondering if I'm the only person who glances into the kitchen and thinks, "Would it really be so bad to bag up all of our ch...
This is an edit to my original request because i had so many wonderful responses to it. Some of the responses were already in play as answered here. Please read and...
A week ago my child had a few spots on her feet which appeared to me to be mosquito bites. So I treated it with Benadryl/Caladryl topical stuff so help relief the it...
My 16 year old daughter just was diagnosed with Mono again! - This is her 4th bout with it in a year and half. She is a very busy kid - Marching Band, basketball, swi...
I am hoping one of you Moms will have advice for me. My son is almost three and is potty trained as far as pee pee goes. But he holds in his poop for up to 5 days! It...
Okay we have already had a rocky start in the breast feeding department. went to lactaction consultant and found she had poor latch and she want to fall asleep 3 minu...