My grandson is 9 months old and for the past 2 months has been getting high fever of 105+ on and off. Have taken him to the ER and to his doctors but nothing has been...
Where to start... my daughter is 6 months and has started to teeth. We give her Motrin,Tylenol,teethers and our finger to chew on. But at this point she is so crabby ...
My 11 month old has just been prescribed antibiotics for the first time as she has strep throat. She hates the penicillan and screams and thashes everytime I give it...
My 4 month old daughter, who is usually a very happy baby, is starting to get two teeth (lower center teeth) and seems to have quite a bit of pain. It's interfering ...
I have 20 month old triplets that are sick for the first time. The occational runny nose, thats just about it. I have been lucky enough to be able to keep them home...
My 13 month old is getting is first 3 teeth all at once :( I see the bottom two and upper right one almost there. What can do to help him with the pain? How often ca...
My 8 week old son just had his 2 month shots and he has had a fever ever since.He has been extremely lethargic, irritabe, and he went 7 hours without eating yesterday...
I have a 2yr old son who gets frequent ear infections. We were just at the doc's today and he has a double ear infection and pneumonia. The doctor keeps giving him ...
Hi Everyone,
Recently had a baby and since, have been suffering from severe migraines for the first time. I am breastfeeding so there is not much I can take, Tyleno...
I have a really bad headache that tylenol, cafine, chocolate, or anything else besides sleep will ease. I don't what to do, I'm only 6 weeks along right now. My stoma...