how much should a 2 week old baby eat

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Results 71-80 from 22,033 articles

Does My 7 Week Old Sleep to Much??

L.J. asks from Washington DC

I am a first time mom and my 7 week old daughter sleeps from 8:30pm to about 6am where she eats. She then goes back down till about 11 or 11:30am!! Everyone tells m...


Baby #2

K.G. asks from Burlington

My dream recently came true of growing our family and getting pregnant again. We just found out we are going to have another baby, so i am just beginning to experienc...


Do Your Kids Eat What You Eat?

A.S. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I had the age-old argument last night about me catering to my kids and their eating habits. The way they eat is our fault and I realize that. They ar...


Help , 2 Years Old Doesn't Want to Eat

O.G. asks from Wichita

What would you do when your toddler refused to eat ? My son doesn't like to eat , he rather plays and plays , and he could skip a meal and he would be fine with it . ...


Please Eat

B.B. asks from Rockford

I have a 3 year old who will not eat anything! I do give him vitamins and he drinks about 2 glasses of diet v8 splash a day and lots of milk and water but he will not...


2 Year Old Refuses to Eat

A.R. asks from Sacramento

Hi Moms, I need help! My son decided 2 weeks ago that he no longer wants to eat. He has always been a great eater. Up until now he could eat half a chicken brea...


He Just Won't Eat

T.A. asks from Cincinnati

I am a grandma to a wonderful 11 month old boy...Since he has learned how to drink from a cup or straw he just doesn't want to eat. He won't touch most baby foods...H...


HELP! My 14 Week Old Only Sleeps 2 Hours Before Waking to Eat...

A.M. asks from Chicago

I have a beautiful 14 week old baby girl that only sleeps about 2 hours during the night before waking up. I'm not sure if she's actually hungry, or if she's just so ...


How Much Cereal Should My 4 Month Old Eat

C.R. asks from Boston

i was just wondering on how much rice sreal i should feed my 4 month old daughter i have forgotten. if anyone can help that would be great


Wont Eat

J.B. asks from St. Louis

My 6 month old has had diarrhea 3xs today and my 2 yr old has thrown up a few times today too. Neither will eat. My infant has only taken in 9oz formula, some cereal,...

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Answer Highlights

  • thank your lucky stars in 2 answers "... daughter was that age she woke up every 2 hours to eat. Thank your lucky stars."
  • sensitive taste buds in 2 answers "I have very sensitive taste buds and don't like a lot of flavors."
  • make them a separate meal in 2 answers "I NEVER make them a separate meal. I just make sure to make sides they like."
  • eat what i make for dinner in 2 answers "They BOTH eat what I make for dinner."
  • stir fry in 3 answers "If we have stir fry, she eats the corn, meat, snow peas and whatever else I can convince ..."