goats milk for baby

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Making Goat Milk Better?

G.Y. asks from Phoenix

I am in the SLOW process of trying to ween my son from breast milk. He has an allergy to cows milk, and it was suggested that I give him goats milk. The problem is ...


Skim Milk / Whole Milk

A.I. asks from Topeka

what age is it good to start giving my 8month regular milk. and is it better to give skim or whole? i already am giving her two meals of pureed fruits and veggies t...


Milk Interlorance???

J.H. asks from Dallas

Has anyone experienced a milk allergy/intolerance after switching to formula full time? We thought my daughter had a stomach bug, but she has continued to vomit for ...


Formula to Milk

T.S. asks from Buffalo

Hello, My daughter has been on nutramigen formula since she was about 2 months old d/t constipation. She will be 1 in 10 days, so i tried regular milk yesterday since...


Cow's Milk

K.H. asks from Phoenix

Hi Moms... I am breastfeeding my daughter who is about to be a year old on 4/10. I work full time so I pump to get her bottles at daycare. I know my pediatrician t...


Baby with Milk Protien Allergy

N.C. asks from Minneapolis

Hi, I have a 10 month old little boy who has a milk protien allergy. We have him on Nutramigen formula and it is working great! My question is to anyone else that h...


Goat's Milk

B.L. asks from Salt Lake City

I was wondering if any of you gave your babies goat's milk before the 1 year mark. I am a nursing mother, but would like to do a little weening and am not a huge fan...


Too Early for Milk?

M.F. asks from Youngstown

MY 10 month old is exclusivly bf. his choice not mine. I hate pumping even though I have a 300 dollar pump. So is it too early for cows milk in a sippy cup here and t...


Breast Milk to Regular Milk

B.G. asks from Salt Lake City

My son just turned one about 2 weeks ago and the doctor said that he can now drink whole milk. I would like to stop breastfeeding him and wean him straight to a sipp...


Baby Doesn't like Milk

J.W. asks from Sacramento

My boy is almost a year old and this week I introduced cow's whole milk into his diet. I am trying to wean him and he never had an ounce of formula before. Every time...

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Answer Highlights

  • cottage cheese and other cheeses in 2 answers "... as long as she ate other dairy such as yogurt, cottage cheese and other cheeses ..."
  • try giving him cold milk in 3 answers "Otherwise, just try giving him cold milk and see what happens."
  • try 2 percent milk in 2 answers "I would either try 2% milk or simply water down the whole milk for awhile until he ..."
  • need the extra fat in whole in 2 answers "Also up until two babys brains need the extra fat in whole to develop properly so ..."
  • raw goats milk in 2 answers "I drank raw goats milk for years, I personally dont like Cows milk, I think it tast ..."