A very close relative, on my husband's side... gave me a very inexpensive canvas bag with my initial on the side of it filled with a bag of cotton balls, generic swab...
My DD just celebrated her first birthday last month. My husband and I got her a couple of nice gifts, then... came the birthday party!! She got so many gifts, I put a...
Hi, mamas. I need gift help!
I have worked for at my office for the same men for 15 years and we always exchange gifts for Christmas. My bosses are always very ge...
I just wanted other mom's thoughts on children's birthday gifts. I am trying to teach my children need versus want in this over indulged society. About 4 years ago, I...
So this Christmas is going to be a VERY difficult one for my family. My dad was recently (end of October) diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given 3-6 months. 3 m...
Just putting feelers out for some more of your inexpensive, HANDMADE Christmas gift ideas.
We are DEFINITELY scaling back this year. My list of people I 'buy' for...
Just wondering if anyone had any good suggestions, we always did books for DS's exchanges but DD didn't like that idea.
edited: those are great ideas, I g...